12 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Own 2024

September 13, 2024

Kunal Kerkar

By Kunal Kerkar

Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Watch Out For

Some technological marvels that seemed just out of the realm of possibility are a reality today. Technology has taken over every field and made it more efficient. Marketing is not one to be left behind and with everyone glued to the devices today, you can get advertisements for coffee to soaps right on your phone. Data-driven marketing, artificial intelligence and voice search engine optimization seemed like a far-off dream but right now these extraordinary digital marketing trends are ruling the priority list for most business owners. Rightfully so, because if you want to stay relevant and in the competition with a fighting chance of winning, you need to adopt and adapt to the evolving trends of digital marketing.

These trends are evolving rapidly and changing as you read this. Consumer interests and behaviours have become fickle and an educated guess no longer works. You need research and you need data if you wanna conquer the market. We have done most of the grunt work for you. Read on to find out the 12 digital marketing trends that you need to keep on your radar if you wanna rule the market.

1.The Futuristic SEO Marketing Is Here:

Paradoxically constant changes and updates have become synonymous with the search engine industry which has immensely affected the user’s search results. The most notable change has been Google’s BERT update. Bidirectional Encoder Representational from Transformers (BERT) is a deep learning algorithm associated with natural language processing. This means that Google is improving its search engine by making it smarter and enhance its ability to comprehend the complex distinctions of language as well as the intent of the searcher. This means that BERT can get results even on search queries that depend on context.

With the advent of BERT, you will have to start focusing on the reason or the intent that leads people to your website. If you are able to answer these questions as clearly as possible and organise the information logically you will see more traffic driven to your site. Remember you write for people, your website is for people and not for algorithms. Get the best SEO company in Mumbai on-board to keep your business at par with the recent and upcoming developments in SEO and build a futuristic SEO strategy.

2. Chatbots:

Chatbots have survived the test of time and will continue to thrive in 2021. Chatbots are AI-based and effective software programmes that use instant messaging to chat in real-time with customer and site visitors. They use chat windows or verbal communications to direct users to what they are looking for. Statistics even show that by 2021 chatbots will power 85% of customer service. This is because a majority of customers prefer interacting with chatbots as they are available 24/7, do not lose patience, answer promptly and can accurately recall your entire buying history. In short, they offer impeccable customer service because they meet the customers’ expectations.

3. Personalisation:

If you want your brand to be unique and most importantly remembered by your customers then personalised content, products, emails, etc are the way to go. It makes you stand out. The essential advantage of personalised marketing is having the control to reach a particular demographic and potential clients. What’s more, by gathering client information from list segments, surveys, or studies, you’re better situated to make increasingly significant and compelling email campaigns towards the target audience based on their purchasing propensities, interests, and behaviours.

For instance, if your intended interest group likes films and general entertainment, you can include pop culture references when sending your emails, producing blog posts, or even in your email opt-in forms to convey an increasingly customized experience in your content. Ideally, your audience will welcome the references and better identify with your brand which will lead to a boost in conversions.

4. Acceleration of Voice-Powered Searches:

Get ready to say and hear Ok Google, hey Alexa and ‘Sup Siri a lot more because more and more people have started using phones with voice assistants. Google, Alexa and Siri have thus become important features in digital marketing. Voice search is important when utilizing it for your business. It’s aiding in the development of a versatile mobile-friendly movement and increasing the value of local SEO. Voice search likewise helps the utilization of AI and organizes semantics of searches. Here are a few tips:

Get to know the language: When individuals use search engines, many utilize long sentences with particular keywords. Subsequently, to enhance the chance to be found in voice search lists, utilize longer keywords and complete sentences.

Give detailed answers to questions: The vast majority utilize the web to get data, regardless of whether they are inquiring about an item or service that they need or are attempting to Google response to a random trivia question. Consider this when making content for voice searches. Incorporate any inquiries that individuals may pose concerning your products and give detailed answers.

Most importantly don’t forget to use a conversational and engaging tone.

5. Video Marketing:

This trend is unlikely to go out of style for the next five to ten years. This is because it is the most favourite way that customers want to hear about new products. This is not just limited to Youtube, there are many other ways to drive higher engagement with video marketing. Examples include making a video post or doing a live broadcast on social media. In fact, if your website contains videos it will drive traffic to your site much more than text. This is because as states above customers find videos more compelling than text and hence google will push pages that contain videos.

The great thing about video marketing is that you just have to reformat your content which is easy. You should also transcribe the video and Publish the transcription on your blog under an embedded YouTube video for increased rankings. You can even upload the basic video to social media like Facebook and turn the transcription into a blog.

6. Single Marketing Software Will Rule:

Numerous organizations are changing to one software solution that contains every one of the tools that they need. Merging among software suppliers is accelerating because of the client’s wish to have the entirety of their marketing devices under one umbrella. On the off chance that you’re thinking about whether paying and executing a marketing software tool is gainful, here are the advantages:

It lessens dull work: It helps in disposing of tedious obligations and causes you set up a day by day schedule.
Streamlined advertising endeavours: You can monitor where you’re at in the purchaser’s journey with your clients and can communicate with them efficiently and effectively.
It enhances accountability.
Managing clients become easier.
You can record progress a lot quicker and simpler.

7. Influencer Marketing:

Influencer advertising is a sort of informal promoting that spotlights on utilizing key leaders to intensify your brand message to a bigger market. Influencers can be popular celebrities, yet more regularly they are Instagram or YouTube personalities with a gigantic niche following who can help spread the news about your business or item through their social media. Influencer advertising is likewise going to be influenced by artificial intelligence. With every year, AI is making its way towards finding the correct influencers to team up with simpler and quicker. It’s distinguishing those with better engagement, fewer phoney followers, and a higher possibility of producing a positive return of investment (ROI). Additionally, customers trust influencer marketing more than corporate advertising because it is typically more authentic.

8. AI Takes Over Digital Marketing:

Artificial intelligence has begun its infiltration of digital marketing and it is just getting started. Artificial intelligence can analyze shopper behaviour and search patterns, and use information from social networking platforms and blog entries to assist organizations with seeing comprehending how clients discover their items and services. AI will before long be the main impetus behind numerous services and  as of now, we observe it executed in such areas as:

Fundamental communication
Content production
Email personalization
Product recommendations
E-commerce transactions

The AI provides excellent customer service by using human inputs and sensors to collect facts about a situation and it can also store data to enhance future experiences.

9. Social Media Stories: One Of The Latest Digital Marketing Trends

Snapchat first introduced the concept of “My Story” to the world but they could not keep their famous ghost invisible for long because soon Instagram and Facebook had added this feature too. Since these kinds of stories vanish after a set timeframe, this is an incredible opportunity for advertisers to utilize FOMO (fear of missing out). The advantages of utilizing social media stories include:

Consistent engagement with followers
Increased brand awareness
Your page generates more traffic
Chance to contact more youthful audiences.

You can include polls within Instagram stories, links to your website or other social media, location tags, live videos and clear call to actions.

10. Shoppable Posts and Social Commerce: Newest Digital Marketing Trends

This trend of mixing business with pleasure started with Instagram introducing Instagram check out which allows users to complete purchases through Instagram. Internet business brands trust this will lessen the risk that clients will abandon their shopping cart because they needed to switch applications or sign in to an obscure store. Visual commerce is taking off as more customers are eager to purchase items through promotions they find in their feeds. Online business brands can make and post interactive advertisements that permit clients to click and shop effortlessly. Instagram thinks this will make it simpler for organizations to arrive at prospective new clients, as it will viably shorten the sales funnel, giving buyers instant access.

11. Be Transparent:

Research demonstrates that organizations delivering straightforward and simple to-process data are probably going to retain 94% of their clients. Be that as it may, how you handle a client’s private information is crucial. Organizations will be required to be totally straightforward on what sort of data is being shared to promote their products. Following are a few tips on how to be transparent:

Build up your organization’s core values.
Ensure that selling isn’t your solitary objective.
On the off chance that clients bring up certain worries or issues, respond right away.
Have the option to take helpful criticism from your clients and react in a friendly, non-critical tone.
Encourage a community around your brand.

12. Focus on Customer Retention:

The future is set on retaining existing customers than acquiring new ones. Organizations comprehend that it takes less money to retain existing clients happy and will direct more effort in the centre and last phases of the purchaser’s journey, since gathering better information and concentrating on market segmentation helps spare expenses. Retaining clients helps increment income since when you keep your current clients then they will typically tell their friends and give you referrals. Faithful clients are additionally prone to be more straightforward and honest with you in regard to any issue allowing you to improve your brand.

This concludes the list of 12 digital marketing trends that you definitely need to look out for and follow in 2021. When running a business, it is crucial to keep up with current trends and be on the top of your game in terms of digital marketing. That is the reason why majority of the business owners get a professional digital marketing agency on-board to keep updated with the trend. With these trends, you can not only stay on top of your game but also thrive at the top. Now that you have a perfect vision go get your digital marketing game on!

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Kunal Kerkar

About the author

Kunal Kerkar

Kunal Kerkar is the Founder and CEO of Kerkar Media, a full-service SEO, and digital marketing agency. Kunal has over 8 years of experience in the online marketing space and is considered an expert in his field. He has worked with some of the biggest brands in India, including Urbanic, Chitkara University, Himgiri Motors, and IIDE.

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