Create A Killer Facebook Marketing Strategy In 7 Easy Steps

May 11, 2020

Kunal Kerkar

By Kunal Kerkar

Create A Killer Facebook Marketing Strategy In 7 Easy Steps

How To Create A Facebook Marketing Strategy

Marketing is so entirely different now than it used to be. Most campaigns are digital now, with social media as the biggest method for conveying advertisements to crowds. With two billion monthly clients, Facebook is by a long shot the most mainstream social media platform. Nonetheless, you’re going to require an astounding Facebook marketing technique in the event that you need your business to stand apart among the 50 million organizations on Facebook! Facebook advertisements are the foundation of many independent venture’s marketing strategies, however, you have to focus on the content on your page in addition to your advertisements. In case you’re new to Facebook, on the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea of how Facebook marketing functions, you could squander a lot of cash and also time publicizing on Facebook. Facebook marketing is one of the most important elements of any social media marketing strategy. Ideally, you should hire a professional digital marketing company in Mumbai who can create an effective Facebook marketing strategy for your business. But if you want to give it a shot by yourself then we’re here to furnish you with a 7-step Facebook marketing strategy sure to enable your business to succeed!

1. Set Your Goals:

The absolute initial phase in your facebook marketing strategy ought to be to define facebook campaign objectives. What results would you say you are hoping to accomplish from your facebook marketing procedure? Is it accurate to say that you are attempting to pick up brand awareness, an increment in site traffic, gain leads? When you have decided on your objectives, you can modify your Facebook marketing strategy accordingly.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all facebook marketing strategy. Defining objectives is the manner by which you ensure your procedure is catered to your particular needs. Facebook’s various advertisement targets will assist you in accomplishing your business objectives. These targets fall under three of the accompanying classifications.

Awareness: creates enthusiasm for your business’ offerings.

The awareness group incorporates the accompanying goals:

  1. Brand awareness: gets the message out about your brand so more individuals know about it.
  2. Reach: gets to as many clients possible who match your intended interest group.
  3. Consideration: gets clients thinking about your business.

The consideration group incorporates:

  1. Traffic: drives users to your site or app.
  2. App installs: coordinates clients who click on your ad to the app store to download your application
  3. Engagement: expands the number of clients who see and engage with your Facebook page content, for example, posts and events.
  4. Video views: gets more clients to watch your Facebook videos.
  5. Generation of leads: secures new leads by gathering client data, for example, email addresses, first and last names, and telephone numbers.
  6. Messages: urges more clients to take part in discussions with your business on Facebook Messenger.
  7. Conversions: urges clients to purchase your item or service.

The conversions class incorporates the accompanying things:

  1. Conversions: prompts more clients, new or existing, to buy on your site, subscribe to your mailing list, download your application, or make different conversions that are important to your business objectives
  2. Catalog sales: promote items from your item inventory that are important to your intended interest group
  3. Store visits: drives foot traffic to your business’ physical store.

2. Research Your Target Audience:

This is the most important step which has to be religiously followed while creating a Facebook marketing strategy for your business.No Facebook content, organic or paid, will perform well if it’s conveyed to a crowd of people who don’t want to engage with your content. A person who loves only hip-hop music is not going to purchase your opera album, so promoting your CDs to this individual won’t produce the conversions you’re focusing on. You ought to respond to the accompanying questions to figure out who is your intended target group.

  • What are their main interests? For instance, in case you’re promoting an action movie, your optimal audience incorporates clients who appreciate motion pictures, action, and violence.
  • Where do they live? In the event that your business is entirely on the internet, your intended interest group may live anywhere. Be that as it may, in case you’re attempting to reach local people to drive foot traffic, indicate a geological radius. Different variables, for example, seasonal influence, may likewise decide the area of your intended target group.
  • What age segment would you like to reach? Would you like to reach millennials generation Zs or baby boomers?
  • Does your intended interest group have a particular income range? On the off chance that you offer costly items or service, you would prefer not to convey your advertisements to a group of people that may not be happy to spend an excessive amount of cash.

Researching everything that you can about your intended target group will assist you with delivering significant content to individuals who are generally disposed to respond. In the event that you’ve just amassed a list of customer leads, you can transfer it to Facebook as a Custom Audience. Facebook will utilize that data to convey your promotions to clients who have already associated with your business in some way. Be that as it may, be aware of Facebook’s most recent endeavours to be progressively straightforward with clients about advertisers who target them with Custom Audiences.


3. Decide on A Budget:

In the event that you aren’t cautious, you can wind up spending a great deal of money on Facebook promotions. Be that as it may, when used wisely, the cash invested in promoting on Facebook is usually a good use of money. In the same manner that you should be specific about your objectives and target crowd, you need to be explicit about where your money will go. For instance, you need to budget for the promotions of the advertisements, just as the innovative process behind them.

Facebook doesn’t charge you to make content, yet you may discover that you need to put resources into a Facebook promoting agency. Make a spending limit for any segment of your Facebook marketing strategy that you are eager to put resources into. Contingent upon the size of your business, your spending will fluctuate. Be sensible and do the math. You might need to get a media buying and planning agency to help you precisely ascertain the expenses.


4. Create Original and Engaging Content:

We prescribe arranging posts about a month ahead of time and keeping up a regular posting timetable, for example, five posts for each week. In this manner, you can expand the points you post about, plan for any up and coming occasions or events, and keep your posting consistent.

Likewise, preparing permits you to guarantee you’re just publishing excellent content. It’s a smart thought to incorporate a picture, video, or gif with each and every post you make. By and large, Facebook posts with pictures get more than double the engagement than those without pictures to do. That being stated, posts with videos get considerably more natural engagement than posts with just pictures! The composed content included with your posts ought to be short, yet not very short. Individuals have restricted capacities to focus and don’t care for perusing huge blocks of content on Facebook.

Nonetheless, one-sentence captions now and then battle to get the message across. A decent principle to follow is remembering three sentences for your copy: one to catch the attention of the users, one to increase the value of your post, lastly a call-to-action. Your call-to-action ought to urge your followers to accomplish something like click on a link, watch a video, tag other people, and so on.


5. Create Advertisements that Are Original and Engaging Too:

A significant number of similar techniques behind making engaging Facebook content can be used to create good Facebook advertisements. You will need to remember similar tips about utilizing splendid, clear pictures with faces in them and videos that pass on meaning without the requirement for audio. With regards to the advertisement copy, your source of inspiration will rely upon your promotion goals.

Whenever the situation allows, we suggest staying with a similar three-sentence technique used to compose your Facebook posts. Notwithstanding the sort of promotion you’re making, remember your intended target group and ensure your call-to-action is plainly displayed in the last sentence. The kinds of promotions you use will rely upon your goals. If you need to build visibility and brand awareness, you’ll place more significance in-page like ads and boosted posts. In case you’re attempting to change over followers into clients, you’ll need to concentrate on lead generation or conversion campaigns. There are additionally particular campaigns for objectives like getting app installs, producing site traffic, and encouraging event responses.


6. Post Content when Your Audience Is Engaged the Most:

The sixth step in creating a Facebook marketing strategy is to decide on the most effective time for posting your content. When you get to know your audience, you should focus on the hours of the day when they’re the most engaged with your content. When you’ve distinguished those key days and times, plan your content to post on those occasions. This will improve the probability that your target audience will engage with your content, helping you drive conversions. Scheduling tools make it simple to plan bulk content. You can schedule your posts for the week or even the month to guarantee you’re posting consistently and frequently, keeping your crowd engaged with when they’re the most active on Facebook.


7. Monitor Your Campaign’s Performance Frequently Using Analytics:

How would you know how well your Facebook campaign is performing? Facebook’s Ads Manager offers an assortment of metrics to assist you with estimating performance and post reach. A year ago, Facebook disentangled its advertisement metrics with new labels, so it’s simpler to comprehend your metrics now like never before. On the off chance that you or the individual accountable for your Facebook campaign experiences difficulty understanding Facebook’s metrics, an expert social media marketing agency in Mumbai can assist you with comprehending and deciphering your outcomes. You can also opt for reputed Digital marketing courses in Mumbai to get more insights by yourself.

That brings us to the end of the 7 steps required to create a killer Facebook marketing strategy. With these tips and tools in your toolbelt, you will be able to successfully use Facebook to promote your business.

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Kunal Kerkar

About the author

Kunal Kerkar

Kunal Kerkar is the Founder and CEO of Kerkar Media, a full-service SEO, and digital marketing agency. Kunal has over 8 years of experience in the online marketing space and is considered an expert in his field. He has worked with some of the biggest brands in India, including Urbanic, Chitkara University, Himgiri Motors, and IIDE.

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